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Why Property Management

Keeping the property in best condition is a must for getting the highest income and finding better tenants. So you will be sure that your property is in good hands...

General Features of Property Management Law

General Features of Property Management Law

Condominium law is a framework that specifically shapes the management of apartments. In this framework, the site management boards hold their own general assembly meetings and the decisions taken at these meetings concern all floor owners or tenants. Owners and tenants are responsible for the decisions taken.

It is very important for real estate managers to comply with real estate management law. Condominium law is very important in terms of the rights and responsibilities of both the shareholders in the apartment and themselves. Although real estate management may seem like a difficult and demanding job, if this job is done according to the floor management law, there is no such negative side.

How Should Real Estate Be Managed According to Real Estate Management Law?

According to the law, the sites are managed by the flat owners board. However, if any of the flat owners do not want to do this job voluntarily or for a fee, this time management companies can be applied. With the contract made between the management companies and the owners, the management company is responsible for the management of the estate. For this, the site management company does the necessary work for this contract to become official. Because this is the most important in terms of formalizing the rights and responsibilities of both the company and the flat owners. All details should be specified in the contract between the flat owners and the site management company.

The articles of the estate management contract cannot be against the law. Articles that are against the law have no validity in the courts. These articles are not accepted as defense by the parties.

Everyone's responsibilities should be clearly spelled out in property management contracts. Dues such as site manager salaries or salaries to the site management company should be included in the contract clauses.

One of the most difficult issues in site management is that it cannot be decided how and by whom some common expenses will be paid. Although the site management law provides a framework on this issue, site owners may have problems in this regard.

For a smooth and effective real estate management, every issue should be stated in the minutes of the board of directors. Otherwise, there is a high probability of future problems with any situation not mentioned in this document. Because no one considers himself responsible for an unwritten article. These conditions also apply to rentals. If the contracts between the owners and the tenants are made according to the Rental Law, everyone's rights and responsibilities become official.