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Leasing Consultancy

Leasing Consultancy

Leasing consultancy is a professional service that supplies the needs of various workplace or office. It is responsible for finding rental areas in a new city or county in line with the company's growth targets.

  What Does a Leasing Consultant Do, What Are His Duties and Responsibilities?

  Different answers can be given in terms of tenant and landlord to the question of what a leasing consultant does. There are companies looking for rental properties being suitable for use in branches, warehouses, offices and garages. The consultant takes part in the evaluation of the tenant candidates and determining the payment terms by identifying suitable options. The consultant serving a natural or legal person also gathers information through official correspondence and interviews. Finding tenants for the property or maintaining control of existing tenants are the main tasks of the consultancy. Generally, the responsibilities of the leasing consultancy are:

- Calculating periodic rental income or expenses.

- Tracking payment.

- Conveying to the administration the special situations reported by the tenant or the owner.

- Identify the properties that may be suitable for the company's targets, and conducting research in accordance with the criteria.

- Evaluating the location, square meter, facade and building features of the properties.

- Evaluating the options available for rent in terms of function and distinguishing the ones suitable for the needs.

- Solving the problem through legal means in case of non-payment of receivables.

- Identifying and reporting alternatives for property or different tools to be rented.

The leasing consultant finds new business areas that will accelerate the expansion of the firm. Reaching the potential customers at the center of the services requires opening branch offices in suitable locations. Evaluation of existing assets is possible by providing sufficient information to prospective tenants and making effective promotions. Companies, as tenants or owners, want to settle their real estate business as soon as possible. Evaluating the contract in regards to appropriateness of corporate interests, rent payments and collections, using the acceptance and termination powers on behalf of the company are responsibilities that require experience in this field. The leasing consultant should be able to provide the following competencies in terms of their duties:

Ø Having the ability to persuade.

Ø Having proper diction.

Ø Being attentive to personal care.

Ø To be able to analyze the company's resources, strategies and objectives.

Ø To be able to plan based on the data provided by different departments.

Ø Having the capacity to be evaluated in many positions.

Ø To be able to see the sensitivities of the companies and individuals contacted about the leasing.

Ø To be able to follow the regulations on tenant and owner rights.