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Why Property Management

Keeping the property in best condition is a must for getting the highest income and finding better tenants. So you will be sure that your property is in good hands...

Legal Property Management

Legal Property Management

Those who want to own a house benefit from the legal property management service. The purchased properties return as profit in the long run. Investments should not be made impulsively and quickly, and legal property management comes to the fore. Property management becomes a part of the real estate industry. Residential and commercial properties are audited by a third-party contractor.


  What is Legal Property Management?


  Property management covers general repairs and maintenance of properties. The property management system, which is responsible for its security and maintenance, continues to work for shopping malls as well as private properties. All delegated work is carried out along with the legal property management. Performing maintenance and repairs increases the value of properties.


  What Does Legal Property Management Cover?


  Within the scope of legal property management, potential tenants are screened and a lease agreement is drawn up on behalf of the property owners. In addition, processes such as signing and renewal of lease agreements are also followed.


  The maintenance of the properties, including the landscape, is carried out. Necessary repairs are made to the properties and a budget is created for property maintenance. Applicable rental regulations are complied with. Various types of property are successfully managed. Often property owners need legal property management for their rented homes.


  Single-family homes, vacation rentals, multi-family homes, townhomes, condominiums, apartments and manufactured homes are covered by legal property management. Public places and offices, such as hotels, are also covered under commercial legal property management.


  Who Needs Legal Property Management?


  Various property owners benefit from the services offered by legal property management. Especially those who own more than one rental property use legal property management service. Those who do not want to maintain properties and deal with tenants also prefer legal property management. Owners who participate in affordable housing programs tend to use legal property management.


  Recently, legal property management has come to the fore, as managing properties is a costly and time-consuming activity. Those who buy property for investment purposes benefit from legal property management services in order to protect their investments. In order to benefit from the legal property management service, the contract in accordance with the legislation is signed by the parties.


  Legal Property Management Responsibilities


  Legal property management uses funds that are openly owned by the property owner for the maintenance and repairs required by the building. Placing tenants on the property is also among the legal property management responsibilities. The daily operation of the property is handled with all its aspects. Legal property management contracts are usually concluded on an annual basis.


  Legal property management fees can increase over time and are included in the contract. If there is any danger to the property, it is detected and precautions are taken. It is clearly stated in the contract in which cases you are responsible for the property. It is also among the legal property management responsibilities if the tenants violate the contract or fail to pay the rent.