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Property Inspection

Property Inspection

Property inspection is one of the important issues between tenants and property owners. Property owners demand that their rented property be used by their tenants without any damage. Because after the rental, the owner may have to make renovation costs. However, since many people have properties in cities other than the city they are in, their tenants there do not have much knowledge and idea about how they use the property. Even if the owner is in the same city for rent, property inspection can be a big problem for both the tenant and the owner. Because the tenant rents the property and wants to work or live there as if it were his own property. The property owner may want to inspect his property from time to time.

As mentioned above, property inspection is a problem or a burden for both parties. That's why many homeowners choose to work with real estate agents to do this job. Professional real estate consultants provide necessary information to both property owners and tenants about the inspection of properties. After the rental process, real estate agents are responsible for tenant relations. So they are also rent collectors.

  Who is Responsible for Property Inspection?

  The property owner is responsible for the control of his property within the framework of the contract with the tenant. However, considering the tenant relations, it is better for both parties to have this job done by professionals. Because rent collectors, i.e. real estate agents, are neutral between the property owner and the tenant. He can professionally indicate who is right or wrong, and if there is a problem, who should solve it.

Rent collectors act as a bridge between owner and tenant relations. In order to find solutions to problems as soon as possible, many property owners prefer to work with rental real estate agencies.

Property inspection is the duty of an arbitrator for both the tenant and the owner. It is important that the landlord can take back the property without any problems at the end of the rental period, and that the deposit paid by the tenant while renting is not spent. The tenant receives the deposit back from the property owner without interruption when it is decided that the property does not need any expense as a result of the property inspection. For this reason, it is very important that the person inspecting the building is fair and impartial.