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Why Property Management

Keeping the property in best condition is a must for getting the highest income and finding better tenants. So you will be sure that your property is in good hands...



A Property Inspection is a visual inspection of the premises and the characteristics of the building by a fully qualified professional who is trained and experienced. The Property Inspection should be in a positive direction. It should not cause any damage to the building or the house. You may not be there as you may be there during the check. One of the main tasks of a Property Inspection is to identify aspects that are missing about your house or building and present new models. The attitude of the inspector during the property inspection is very significant.

If there are tenants or landlords in the house or building, he should pay more attention to his speech. If tenants are looking at the building during the inspection, you should welcome them and indicate that you have checked the shortcomings of the building. Your Tenant Relations should be strong. In this way, tenants can be satisfied with your communication and look positively at staying as a tenant. When Tenant Relations are strong, the same tenants want to renew the lease and extend the contract. That is why property inspection allows you to achieve good and profitable results, although it is difficult.

  Features of the Property Inspection and the inspector

  - The Inspector or Property Inspection strives to give you enough knowledge about buying a house, or building.

  - If there is an important issue related to your property, it will be useful to discuss it with the Inspector.

  - The Property Inspector will identify and share with you the urgent or long-term needs related to your home that need to be solved.

  - After sufficient notification, you can leave the house.

  - Since the inspections will be in a positive direction, you can rest assured that there will be no damage to the building.

  - If any damage or missing is seen in the building, the auditor will be responsible.

  - He will have to both repair the building and cover the cost.

  - The inspector must have insurance with him in case of an accident in the building or in a place where there is a property inspection.

  We can divide the Property Inspection into three areas;

  - Visual Inspection

  A time is set and you will meet with the inspector. You're going to go check out the house. If we do not have professional knowledge while observing the property, we need to benefit from an inspection. This Visual Inspection can take three to four hours, depending on the size of the house, its location, and the number of families.

  - Inspection Report

  After the property is observed, the observed problems and solutions are reported. These issues are talked about. According to the needs of the property, the report is delivered to the property owner within a day or two.

  - Source Post-Audit

  It is the process after the report. In this section, the problems that may be in the report are solved. This part is included in the observation process and there is no extra charge.