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Why Property Management

Keeping the property in best condition is a must for getting the highest income and finding better tenants. So you will be sure that your property is in good hands...

What is Professional Property Management

What is Professional Property Management

The real estate industry has become a rapidly developing industry. With this development, new concepts such as property management began to emerge. Property management is especially preferred by people who own more than one property. Property managers take over the management of all your properties for you under property law.


  What is Property Management?


  Property management is the management of all real estate owned by a property owner by a real estate or real estate company. All property types, residential or commercial, can be managed by property managers. Managed processes can be legal or substantive processes. Property managers implement all processes within the laws determined by the property management law.


  Managers act in accordance with the law in cases such as evacuation and damage. The rights of property owners and property managers are protected by the laws of the estate management law rental law. The parties can apply to the court in any problem within the scope of these laws.


  Why Do You Need a Property Manager?


  For people with multiple properties, these properties can be difficult to manage. It is necessary to follow up all processes separately, such as making lease contracts for all properties, collecting rents, tracking unpaid rents, and damage.


  For this reason, it is the right choice to work with professionals such as a property manager who will manage your properties for you. Property manager saves both time and gains more benefits from investments. Property managers follow and implement all processes such as lease agreements, rent tracking and inventory preparation on behalf of the property owner.


  What Are the Duties of a Property Manager?


  Companies that provide property management services have certain duties. The definition of these duties changes in line with the demands of the property owners and the agreements they will make with the property managers. The services generally offered by property management companies can be summarized as follows:


  Lease of all property owned by the owner.


  Following all the processes related to leasing and putting them into practice as quickly as possible.


  Monitoring and supervision of the operation of all properties subject to the agreement.


  Execution of damage, repair and maintenance of all properties subject to the agreement.


  Following up the rent payments of all the properties subject to the agreement.


  Making the tenant negotiations of all the properties subject to the agreement and directing them to the property owner.


  Quickly solve the problems and troubles of tenants about the properties they rent.


  Providing the relevant infrastructure in legal matters that will protect the rights of both the tenant and the landlord.


  Monitoring all problems in all properties subject to the agreement with great care and preventing material damages.


  Termination and renewal of lease contracts for all properties subject to the agreement.


  Lease of all the properties subject to the agreement at the most affordable prices.


  The above-mentioned items must be implemented with great care and within the framework of legal laws. For this reason, when choosing a property manager, his license, competencies, references and resume should be examined in detail.